Social Groups
While we think ALL of the groups at CUC have an element of fun, some are just directly geared toward having a great time!
There are many ways to connect at CUC. How do you want to build your community?
Youth Ministry
Welcome to CUC Youth! We are so excited to have you. Check back on this page for opportunities to meet, play games, serve the community, and learn. The Columbine United Church youth ministry is a community for 6th-12th graders based on love of God, love of each other, and love of self. It is a safe place for meaningful connection and spiritual growth through service, learning, discovery, and, of course, fun activities.
Music is a central part of Sunday morning worship services at CUC!
At the 8:30AM traditional worship service, congregational hymns are sung by all accompanied by the piano and organ or a cappella. Various choral groups provide a variety of sacred anthems, vocalists present sacred solos, and instrumentalists present sacred instrumental pieces.
The 10:30AM contemporary worship service features uplifting modern worship music and inspirational secular songs provided by the worship band and various teams of worship singers.
Children's Ministry
Children, youth and families are vital parts of Columbine United Church. They help us know who we are and who God calls us to be. Guided by God’s love and grace, CUC’s Next Generation Ministry provides exceptional opportunities for spiritual growth and transformation for our children and youth. Christian education, music, worship, service, outreach, fellowship, and mission are among our offerings. Come and see the love and care, the fun and friendships, the service and connections that arise as our kids discover the love of God in their lives!
Learning Groups
While our faith journey varies from one person to another, several unifying themes form the basis: (1) The Bible is the shared document of Christianity. Although different interpretations are possible, a better understanding of the Bible informs our thinking about both our own faith and the other manifestations of Christianity in our society. (2) Spiritual practices enrich our understanding of ourselves and the divine. These spiritual practices include prayer and meditation, and less well-known practices such as walking a labyrinth. (3) Living the Christian Life should be our goal. What does that mean for each person? Is Faith more than a Creed? Will they know we are Christians by our Love?
Mom's United Small Group
We build circles of moms who love each other like family. Women around the world are starting groups where moms can meet to share their hopes, fears and insights.
Moms meet in a format that works with their schedules and doesn’t neglect their faith nor their womanhood, their motherhood nor their purpose, their heart nor their mind.
Congregational Care Team
“Be compassionate as God is compassionate”
No verse in scripture is as clear as this passage from Luke 3:36 in telling us what Jesus expects of us. Here at Columbine United Church we are responding to this invitation with a rich array of ministries that form a caring infrastructure for our congregation. The CUC Congregational Care team provides care, concern, prayer and support for families and individuals at all stages of life, with a focus on the ongoing spiritual, physical, emotional and relational needs of the congregation.
Leadership Team
Columbine United Church is led and governed by a Church Council, elected from the membership of the Congregation each year in May. Council consists of the Moderator, Vice-Moderator, Treasurer, Clerk of Council, Immediate Past Moderator, the Chair of HR, The Chair of Property and Finance, the Chair of Ministry and Mission team and two at-large members. The Pastors are non-voting members of Council, as is the Clerk of council. Council members serve for a 3-year term. The Vice-Moderator moves into the Moderator position after serving one year as VM, while the Moderator moves into the IPM position after serving a one year term as Moderator. Our leadership transitions take place after our Annual Congregational Meeting in May of each year.
Missions & Outreach
Mission and Outreach activities are a significant part of the overall programming at CUC. We believe that faith is something you do, not just something you believe. Our Missions Committee provides a wide variety of ways for you to serve our community and our world. We collect food to feed the hungry, provide services to the homeless, and much more! Service projects are available to the congregation throughout the year. Choose a project that speaks to you and your level of commitment!