The Children’s Ministry at CUC seeks to create a safe and loving environment for our children and their families. We are joyfully committed to our children’s growth and development in their spirituality!
The Children's Ministry of Columbine United Church strives to uphold these four values:
Love: We strive to be aware of the needs of others and to demonstrate love and compassion to the children, caregivers, and families that come in contact with our ministry.
Spirituality: We base our programming on the foundation of a common faith and the desire for children to engage with their Spirituality at developmentally appropriate levels.
Safety: We provide trustworthy adult leaders for all children and a welcoming environment in which children feel safe asking questions and seeking support and guidance. Our adult leaders are trained in safety procedures and our spaces are created to be safe.
Joy: We live with a contagious excitement about life that draws others to become a part of our ministry. We seek to have fun and be joyful in all that we do.
Children's programming takes place in our newly reconstructed youth area. Each room is bright and engaging, with plenty of natural light. At CUC, your kids will feel like they have a place where they really belong, that in turn belongs to them.
VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL: June 16-19, 2025 from 9 am-12 pm!
We will have Crafts, Service, Snacks, Recreation, and Worship. Entering Pre-K through Completed 5th Graders are invited to participate. Completed 6th-12th graders are invited to be youth leaders.
ART DAY CAMP: July 28- 31, 2025 from 9 am- 12 pm!
Completed K-12 are invited to join us for Art Camp! We will learn and practice our art skills in poetry, music, art, and more! We will explore our creativity with different experts from our congregation.